Both cedar and spruce are popular types of wood used in the construction of acoustic guitars. But what’s the difference between them? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at both woods and compare their features. By the end, you’ll be able to decide which is best for your needs.
What is Cedar?
Cedar is a name for a number of different evergreen trees in the Cupressaceae family. Cedar trees are native to many parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia. Cedar wood is valued for its durability, strength, and resistance to rot. Cedar is often used in construction and furniture-making. Cedar oil is also popular for its many uses in aromatherapy and cosmetics. Cedar trees have a long history of being used by humans, and they continue to be an important part of our lives today.
What is Spruce?
Spruce trees are coniferous evergreens that belong to the genus Picea. There are around 35 different species of Spruce, all of which are native to the Northern Hemisphere. Spruce trees are distinguished by their triangular shape and prickly needles. They are typically found in cool, mountainous regions and prefer moist, well-drained soil. Spruce trees are widely cultivated as ornamental plants and are used extensively in forestry. They are also a popular source of wood for construction, furniture-making, and paper production. Spruces are cone-bearing trees with slender, upright cones.
The Spruce’s thin-needled trees give them a “lacy” look and feel as if they’re almost fragile – but don’t be fooled, Spruce trees can live upwards of 800 years! Spruce trees grow in full sun to partial shade and require little upkeep once they’re established. Spruce is a low-maintenance tree that is perfect for busy homeowners who want to enjoy the benefits of having a beautiful tree on their property without putting in a lot of work. Thanks to their fast growth rate, Spruce trees can quickly achieve their full height potential, making them an ideal choice for privacy hedges or windbreaks
Difference between Cedar and Spruce
Cedar and spruce trees are both evergreen conifers that are native to North America. Cedar trees have flattened trunks and branches, and their leaves are scale-like and arranged in fascicles. Cedar trees can grow to be over 100 feet tall, and they are often used as ornamental trees or for timber. Spruce trees have cylindrical trunks and branches, and their leaves are needle-like and arranged in fascicles. Spruce trees typically only grow to be about 50 feet tall, but they are popularly used as Christmas trees. Both cedar and spruce trees produce cones, but cedar cones are small and brown, while spruce cones are larger and green. Cedar tree wood is aromatic and durable, making it ideal for outdoor furniture or buildings, while spruce tree wood is lightweight and perfect for paper production.
Cedar and spruce are two types of evergreen trees that are popular for use in landscaping. Although they share some similarities, there are several key differences between these two types of trees. If you’re considering using one or the other in your landscaping project, it’s important to be aware of the pros and cons of each. Cedar is known for its fragrant aroma, while spruce is prized for its strong branches that can support heavy loads of snow. Cedar is also susceptible to insect infestation, while spruce is resistant to most pests. So which tree should you choose for your next landscaping project? It really depends on your needs and preferences.