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Difference between Cardio Muscles and Skeletal Muscles

Difference between Cardio Muscles and Skeletal Muscles

Cardio is the process of using your body’s oxygen to burn fat, build muscle, and increase your heart rate. You can do cardio by running, cycling, swimming, walking, or anything else that gets your heart going. Cardio is important for everyone who wants to lose weight and tone up their body. If you are confused about the difference between cardio muscles and skeletal muscles then don’t worry. Read on to know more about it.

What are Cardio Muscles?

Cardio muscles are all the muscles that help your heart pump blood through your body. The biggest group of cardio muscles are the respiratory muscles, which control the breathing rate. Other important cardio muscles are the gastrointestinal (GI) muscles, which control the digestion process, and the reproductive system, which controls the ejaculation process.

What are Skeletal Muscles?

When people talk about skeletal muscles, they are referring to the actual muscles that we can see on the outside of the body. Skeletal muscles are the ones that we use for flexing (biceps), extending (triceps), and rotating (forearms). Skeletal muscles are often called voluntary muscles because they can be voluntarily contracted: the voluntary muscles are the ones that are controlled by the brain.

Difference between Cardio Muscles and Skeletal Muscles

  • Cardio is the process of using your body’s oxygen to burn fat, build muscle, and increase your heart rate.
  • Cardio is the process of using your body’s oxygen to burn fat, build muscle, and increase your heart rate.
  • Skeletal is the muscles that you can see on the outside of the body.
  • Skeletal muscles are the ones that we use for flexing (biceps), extending (triceps), and rotating (forearms).
  • Cardio is the process of using your body’s oxygen to burn fat, build muscle, and increase your heart rate.

Which Exercise is Best for Weight Loss?

The best exercise for weight loss is one that is low intensity and gets your heart rate up but leaves you “heavy” (that is, tired) enough to sleep well at night and not be tempted to eat unhealthy foods. For best results, you want to choose an exercise that is low intensity but gets your heart rate up. The American Council on Exercise recommends combining aerobic exercise with resistance training, like weight lifting, and flexibility exercises to build muscle and burn fat more efficiently. If you are looking for a good weight loss exercise, you have plenty of options. Some popular exercises include yoga, Pilates, golf, swimming, dancing, hiking, and running.


The difference between cardio muscles and skeletal muscles is that cardio muscles are all the muscles that help your heart pump blood through your body. The biggest group of cardio muscles are the respiratory muscles, which control the breathing rate. Other important cardio muscles are the gastrointestinal (GI) muscles, which control the digestion process, and the reproductive system, which controls the ejaculation process.

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