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Difference between Bug and Defect

Difference between Bug and Defect

What is the difference between a bug and a defect? What should you do if you find a problem in your software? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and provide guidance on how to handle bugs and defects. Read on to learn more!

What is Bug?

A bug is a general term used to describe any sort of problem or defect in the software. A bug can cause the software to crash, freeze, or produce incorrect results. The bug can also refer to errors in the underlying code that may not be immediately apparent. Tracking down and fixing bugs can be a time-consuming process, but it is essential to maintaining the quality of the software. In some cases, bugs may be introduced deliberately as part of a malicious attack. However, most bugs are simply the result of careless programming or unexpected changes in the operating environment. By understanding what causes bugs and taking steps to prevent them, developers can help ensure that their software remains free of defects.

What is Defect?

A defect or bug, in software development, is an error, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from behaving as intended. Defects may cause the program to crash, hang, produce incorrect output, or run slowly. The average cost of fixing a bug found during testing is about $900 USD while the cost of fixing a bug found after the software is released is about $1400 USD. In severe cases, defects can cost millions of dollars to fix and may require a recall of the affected product.

Difference between Bug and Defect

Bug and Defect are two terms that are often used interchangeably in the software development industry. However, there is a subtle difference between the two. A Bug is an error in the code that causes the software to function incorrectly. On the other hand, a Defect is an error in the code that causes the software to function incorrectly and also impacts the user experience. In other words, a Bug can be corrected without affecting the user experience, but a Defect cannot. As a result, it is important to make sure that developers are aware of the distinction between these two terms. Otherwise, they may inadvertently introduce Defects into the code base that could have a negative impact on users.


So, what is the difference between a bug and a defect? In short, bugs are unintended problems with the code or product that cause it to malfunction in some way. Defects, on the other hand, are design flaws or errors that could have been caught before release but weren’t. Bugs can be found and fixed relatively easily and don’t necessarily reflect poorly on the quality of the product as a whole. However, defects can be much more harmful to a product’s reputation and may require extensive reworking or even scrapping an entire project altogether.

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