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Difference between Blue Collar and White Collar

Difference between Blue Collar and White Collar

There is a big difference between blue-collar and white-collar jobs. This infographic breaks it down for you. Whether you are just starting out in your career or you are thinking about making a change, it’s important to understand the differences between these two types of work. Knowing what to expect can help you make the best decision for your future.

What is Blue Collar?

Blue-collar is a type of work that involves manual labor. Blue-collar workers are often involved in trade and craftsmanship jobs, such as carpentry, plumbing, automotive repair, construction, and manufacturing. Blue-collar work is typically physical in nature and may require the use of tools and machinery.

The term “blue-collar” is thought to have originated in the early 20th century when factory workers wore blue overalls to distinguish themselves from white-collar office workers, who typically wore white shirts. Today, the term blue-collar is used to describe a wide range of jobs, from skilled tradespeople to unskilled laborers. Blue-collar work is an important part of the economy and provides essential goods and services.

What is White Collar?

White-collar work is typically characterized by office or professional work which requires a certain level of education or training. White-collar workers are often salaried employees who work regular hours. The term “white collar” is thought to have originated in the 1930s with writer and social critic Upton Sinclair, who used it to describe the American middle class.

White-collar workers are often able to dress more formally than blue-collar workers and may be seen as having more status and authority. With the rise of technology, white-collar work has evolved to include a variety of occupations that are done primarily via computers. However, the term is still commonly used to refer to office-based work which requires a higher level of skill or education.

Difference between Blue Collar and White Collar

  • Blue-collar and white-collar are terms that are used to describe two different types of jobs. Blue-collar jobs are typically manual labor jobs that involve working with your hands. Examples of blue-collar jobs include construction work, factory work, and landscaping. White-collar jobs, on the other hand, are typically office jobs that involve working with your mind.
  • Examples of white-collar jobs include office work, teaching, and nursing. Blue-collar workers are often paid an hourly wage, while white-collar workers are typically paid a salary. Blue-collar workers may also receive benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans. Blue-collar workers typically have less formal education than white-collar workers. There is a stigma attached to blue-collar work, which is often seen as dirty or dangerous.
  • White-collar work is seen as cleaner and safer. Blue-collar workers may be seen as tough or uneducated, but they often have a strong work ethic. White-collar workers may be seen as lazy or entitled, but they often have a higher level of education. Blue-collar and white-collar work each have their own set of pros and cons. It is important to choose the type of job that is right for you based on your skill set, interests, and goals.


The blue-collar worker is someone who typically has a manual labor job. They might work with their hands or use machines to do their jobs. A white-collar worker, on the other hand, typically has an office job. They might have a desk and sit in front of a computer all day.

There are some exceptions to these rules, but for the most part, they hold true. If you’re looking for a career change and aren’t sure which path to take, it’s important to understand the difference between these two types of workers. Knowing what each type does can help you make an informed decision about your future.

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