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Difference between BHP and PS

Difference between BHP and PS

When measuring the power of a mechanical system, there are two primary methods: brake horsepower (BHP) and shaft power (PS). BHP is the total power extracted from the engine, while PS is the actual power delivered to the load. In this article, we will discuss the difference between BHP and PS and how to correctly measure each.

Both BHP and PS have their benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to understand the differences between them when choosing which to use. For more information on choosing the right method for your application, please contact our engineering team. We would be happy to help you find the best solution for your needs.

What is BHP?

BHP, or brake horsepower, is a unit of measurement for mechanical power. It is often used to indicate the power output of engines and other machines. BHP is calculated by multiplying the torque of a machine by the speed at which it is operating. The resulting number is then divided by a constant, which varies depending on the units being used. BHP is a useful measure of power because it takes into account both the torque and speed of a machine. As a result, it can be used to compare the performance of different engines or machines.

What is PS?

PS, or mechanical power, is a measure of the amount of work that can be done by a machine. It is typically measured in watts and is calculated by multiplying the torque of the machine by its speed. PS is an important measure for determining the efficiency of a machine and can be used to compare different machines or to track the performance of a single machine over time. PS can also be used to estimate the amount of fuel that a machine will consume, making it an important factor to consider when designing or operating any type of mechanical system.

Difference between BHP and PS

BHP and PS are both measures of mechanical power, but they differ in the way that they are calculated. BHP (brake horsepower) is a measure of the actual power output of an engine, while PS (pony strength) is a theoretical measure of power based on engine displacement. PS is usually higher than BHP because it does not take into account factors such as friction and efficiency. As a result, BHP is generally considered to be a more accurate measure of an engine’s true power output.


The difference between brake horsepower and peak shaft horsepower is an important distinction to make when measuring the power of a motor. BHP is measured by how much work the engine can do, while PS measures the power that is actually transmitted to the load. When comparing motors, it’s important to use the correct measurement of power in order to get an accurate comparison.

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