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Difference between Beer Pong and Beirut

Difference between Beer Pong and Beirut

There is a lot of debate over what the difference between beer pong and Beirut is. Some people say that beer pong is played with paddles, while Beirut is played without them. Others say that beer pong is played with a water pitcher, while Beirut uses cups. The bottom line is that there are many differences between these two games, but the most important one depends on how you define them. To some, beer pong and Beirut are essentially the same game. To others, they are two completely different games. So, what’s the difference? Well, that depends on who you ask!

What is Beer Pong?

Beer pong is a drinking game in which players throw Ping-Pong balls across a table into cups of beer. The object of the game is to remove all of the opponent’s cups by landing a ball in them. Beer pong is usually played with teams of two, although variations can be played with more players. The game can be traced back to the early 20th century, when it was known as “Beirut.” Beer pong became popular on college campuses in the United States in the 1960s and has since spread to other countries. There are now international competitions and tournaments held each year. Beer pong is generally considered a party game, but there are also professional leagues and tournaments with significant prize money at stake.

What is Beirut?

  • Beirut is a drinking game that is also known as Beirut, Beer Pong, or Thirty-One. It is played with two teams of two players each. The objective of the game is to score points by shooting a Ping-Pong ball into the other team’s cups.
  • Each team has six cups arranged in a pyramid on their side of the table. The game is typically played with beer, but any type of beverage can be used. Beirut is a drinking game that is also known as Beirut, Beer Pong, or Thirty-One. It is played with two teams of two players each.
  • The objective of the game is to score points by shooting a Ping-Pong ball into the other team’s cups. Each team has six cups arranged in a pyramid on their side of the table. The game is typically played with beer, but any type of beverage can be used. Beirut starts with one player from each team throwing the ball at the same time.
  • If both players make their shots, they each get to take another turn. If only one player makes their shot, the other player gets to take two turns in a row. The first team to reach 21 points wins the game.

Difference between Beer Pong and Beirut

Beer pong and Beirut are two popular drinking games that share some similarities. Both games involve throwing balls into cups, and both can be played with teams or individually. However, there are also some key differences between the two games. Beer pong is typically played with 10 cups arranged in a triangle on each side of the table, while Beirut is played with 9 cups arranged in a diamond. In addition, beer pong is typically played with ping-pong balls, while Beirut uses larger balls, such as pool balls. Finally, Beer pong is won by clearing all of the cups on your opponent’s side of the table, while in Beirut, the game is won by hitting the last cup on your opponent’s side. As a result, while Beer pong and Beirut may appear similar at first glance, there are actually quite a few differences between the two games.


While the games are both played with cups and balls, there are a few key differences between Beer Pong and Beirut. For one, Beer Pong is typically played with American beer while Beirut uses liquor or wine. Secondly, in Beer Pong players throw the ball at an opponent’s cup in order to make them drink, whereas in Beirut players bounce the ball off of a wall in order to hit their opponent’s cup. Finally, Beer Pong is typically played on a table top while Beirut can be played either indoors or outdoors. So next time you’re playing party games with friends, be sure to know the difference between Beer Pong and Beirut!

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