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Difference between BC and BCE

Difference between BC and BCE

There is a lot of debate surrounding the use of BC and BCE. Which one is correct? And what does it even mean? In this blog post, we will explore the difference between BC and BCE and help clear up some of the confusion. Stay tuned!

What is BC?

BC is an abbreviation for Before Christ. In ancient times, many cultures used a different calendar than the one we use today. As a result, BC is often used to refer to years before the birth of Christ. This can be helpful when trying to pinpoint historically significant events. For example, the Roman Empire fell in 476 AD, which would be 2946 BC according to our calendar. However, it’s important to keep in mind that BC is only an estimate. Scientists have not been able to pinpoint the exact date of Christ’s birth, so the BC designation should be used with caution.

What is BCE?

  • BCE stands for “Before Common Era.” It is used to denote years before the start of the Gregorian calendar, which is the most widely used calendar in the world. The Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar, meaning it is based on the Earth’s revolution around the sun. The first year of the Gregorian calendar is AD 1 (Anno Domini, or “in the year of our Lord”). Therefore, any year before AD 1 is considered BCE. For example, if someone says they were born in 4 BCE, that means they were born four years before the start of the Gregorian calendar.
  • The use of BCE and CE (Common Era) instead of BC (Before Christ) and AD is becoming increasingly common among people who do not wish to associate themselves with Christianity. However, it should be noted that BCE and CE still denote years based on the Christian calendar. Therefore, if someone says they are planning an event for 3 CE, they are actually planning it for three years after Christ’s birth.

Difference between BC and BCE

BC and BCE are typically used to refer to the same time period. BC stands for “Before Christ” and refers to the years before the birth of Jesus Christ. BCE, on the other hand, stands for “Before Common Era” and is a more secular way of referring to this time period. Both systems are used in different parts of the world – BC is more commonly used in Christian countries, while BCE is often preferred in secular or non-Christian contexts. There is no “correct” way to refer to this time period, and it is generally considered acceptable to use either BC or BCE. However, if you are unsure which system to use, it is always best to err on the side of caution and use BCE.


The difference between BC and BCE can be confusing for some, but it’s an important distinction to make when discussing historical events. We hope this article has cleared up any confusion and that you now have a better understanding of the two terms.

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