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Difference between Azimuth and Bearing

Difference between Azimuth and Bearing

When navigating in unfamiliar territory, it is important to be able to distinguish between azimuth and bearing. Though both terms are related to direction, they have different meanings and applications. Azimuth refers to the angle of a location relative to the north, while bearing indicates the direction an object is facing. Understanding the difference between azimuth and bearing can help you stay on course in any situation.

What is Azimuth?

Azimuth is the horizontal direction of an object from a fixed point, typically expressed as an angle from the north. The concept is most commonly used in navigation, where azimuth is used to describe the direction of a vessel or other object relative to the true north. Azimuth can also be used more generally to describe the direction of any object relative to another, fixed point. For example, the azimuth of the sun relative to an observer on Earth can be used to calculate the time of day. Azimuth is an important concept in many fields, and it has a wide range of applications.

What is Bearing?

Bearing horizontal angles is an important concept in surveying and navigation. It is the angle between a line of sight and a horizontal line, measured clockwise from the horizontal. The bearing can be used to determine the position of a point or to track the movement of a point, relative to another point. Bearing horizontal angle is typically measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds. There are three types of bearings: true bearings, magnetic bearings, and grid bearings. True bearings use the Earth’s rotation to define north, while magnetic bearings use the Earth’s magnetic field. Grid bearings use an arbitrary reference system, such as latitude and longitude. Bearing horizontal angle is an important concept for anyone working with navigational tools or surveying equipment.

Difference between Azimuth and Bearing

Azimuth and bearing are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two. Azimuth is the horizontal angle between an object and true north, while the bearing is the horizontal angle between an object and any other reference point. As a result, all bearings are azimuths, but not all azimuths are bearings. When using Azimuth or Bearing, it is important to be aware of the reference point that you are using. Azimuths are typically measured in degrees, while bearings are usually measured in degrees or mils (a unit of measurement used for angular distances). The main thing to remember is that Azimuth refers to the angle between an object and true north, while Bearing refers to the angle between an object and any other reference point.


Although the two terms are often confused, there is a clear distinction between azimuth and bearing. Bearing is the direction in which an object is pointed, while azimuth refers to the angular distance of an object from the north. Knowing the difference between these two terms will help you better communicate with your surveyor or navigator about the location of specific objects.

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