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Difference between Await and Wait

Difference between Await and Wait

Await and Wait are two words that are often confused. They have different meanings and uses. In this blog post, we will discuss the difference between Await and Wait. Stay tuned!

What is Await?

Await is a keyword in C# that is used to specify when a particular piece of code should pause. In some cases, it can be used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete. When used this way, Await helps to improve the readability of code by making it clear where the pause should occur. In other cases, Await can be used to wait for a task to be signaled. For example, if a thread is waiting for a task to be completed, it can use Await to suspend itself until the task is finished. By using Await, the thread can avoid busy waiting, which can improve performance.

What is Wait?

The wait is a word that is used when someone wants another person to do something or when someone wants something to happen. The wait can be used as a verb, a noun, or an adjective. The wait can also be used as a polite way to tell someone to stop doing something.

  • The wait is also a word that is used when someone is thinking about what to do next. The wait can also be used as a way to show that someone is patient. The wait is also a word that is used when someone is waiting for something to happen.
  • The wait can also be used as a way to show that someone is excited about something. The wait can also be used as a way to show that someone is interested in something. The wait can also be used as a way to show that someone is bored.
  • The wait is also a word that can be used to mean “please.” The wait can also be used as a way to mean “thank you.” The wait can also be used as a way to mean “you’re welcome.” The wait can also be used as a way to mean “excuse me.”

The wait can also be used as a way to mean “I’m sorry.” The wait can also be used as a way to mean “goodbye.” The wait can also be used as a way to mean “hello.” The wait can also be used as a way to mean “I love you.”

Difference between Await and Wait

Await and Wait both are methods that are used for pausing the program execution until some condition is true. Await keyword is used with the help of the async keyword while wait can be used without async.

  • Await is used inside the body of the method while wait can be used outside the body of the method. When we use Await keyword then it calls the GetAwaiter method while wait calls GetResult Method. Await uses synchronous programming while wait uses asynchronous programming.
  • When we use await keyword then it doesn’t block the current thread while the wait keyword blocks the current thread. Await can be used with tasks while wait cannot be used with tasks. Await checks for condition periodically while waiting for checks for condition only once.
  • When we talk about Asynchronous programming, It means that a program can run more than one task simultaneously. In simple words, An asynchronous program can do more than one thing at a time.

On the other hand, Synchronous programming means that a program can do only one thing at a time. In synchronous programming, A program starts from the first line and executes line by line until it reaches the end of the program.


In short, Await is a keyword that tells the compiler to suspend execution of the current method until the awaited task completes. The wait is simply a statement that tells the program to pause for a specified number of milliseconds. When you understand how these two keywords work, you can use them to write more efficient and reliable code.

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