Difference between Atmosphere and Environment

Difference between Atmosphere and Environment

Atmosphere vs. Environment

What is Difference between Atmosphere and Environment? Our planet is very rich and interesting; however, there are many things we ignore about it; especially in terms of their biodiversity and ecosystems.

If you are a person of curious mind who always wants to know a little more about everything that surrounds you, continue reading, because just then we explain to you what is the difference between atmosphere and environment; two elements by which one way or another we are surrounded.

Difference between Atmosphere and Environment


The terrestrial ecosystem consists of biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere. The latter can be defined as a layer composed of gases that cover the surface of the Earth. It has 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% of other elements.

The present condition of the atmosphere is defined by time and described after observing temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind, cloudiness and precipitation. Today, with climate change, the protection of the ozone layer and air quality are some of the challenges facing this layer?

On the other hand, the word atmosphere can be used to describe how it feels to be in a certain place, for example: “it was a suffocating atmosphere that breathed in that home” or “I like the artistic atmosphere of this cafe.”

In short, the word “atmosphere” when it does not describe the gas layer of our planet is used to talk about the emotions and feelings associated with a particular place or environment.


The term environment refers to all living things and non-living things that surround us. It includes air, water, animals, objects we have in the home and all the other things we can find around us.

The environment can affect individuals and the whole of nature, for example, an environment where polluted water abounds can result in people and other living beings living on it and water dependent being at a disadvantage to those who are in an environment where there are no high rates of such pollution.

Finally, the word environment is also used to refer to things around us but in a more limited way and related to personal experience, for example: “I like the work environment, because we all get along.” In this sentence clearly refers to the environment within the office of work, not that of the city, the country or any other place. Also, this word is usually used to define characteristics or conditions in which an activity takes place, for example: “this school provides a suitable environment for learning”.

The Key difference between atmosphere and environment is when these words are not used in the context of biology; environment usually refers to the physical aspect of what surrounds us; while atmosphere usually refers to the feelings or emotions that relate to a particular place or environment.

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