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Difference between Ataxia and Apraxia

Difference between Ataxia and Apraxia

Ataxia and apraxia are both neurological disorders that can cause movement problems, but they are different conditions. Ataxia is a problem with coordination and balance, while apraxia is a problem with movement planning and execution. Apraxia is rarer than ataxia, and it can be harder to diagnose. Treatment for ataxia usually consists of exercises to improve balance and coordination, while treatment for apraxia may include speech or physical therapy.

What is Ataxia?

Ataxia is a type of movement disorder that can affect both children and adults. It is characterized by uncoordinated and often jerky movements, as well as problems with balance and coordination. Ataxia can be caused by a variety of conditions, including stroke, head injury, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and Huntington’s disease. In some cases, the precise cause of ataxia is unknown. There is no cure for ataxia, but there are treatments that can help to improve symptoms and quality of life. With early diagnosis and proper treatment, many people with ataxia are able to lead active and fulfilling lives.

What is Apraxia?

  • Apraxia is a neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to complete learned movements. People with apraxia have trouble with tasks that require coordinated movement, such as brushing their hair or buttoning their shirts.
  • The condition is thought to be caused by damage to the parts of the brain that control movement. Apraxia can occur on its own or as a result of another condition, such as a stroke or Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Treatment for apraxia typically involves Speech Therapy, which can help patients relearn lost skills and regain some level of independence. While there is no cure for apraxia, early diagnosis and treatment can improve the long-term outlook for affected individuals.

Difference between Ataxia and Apraxia

Ataxia and Apraxia are two neurological disorders that can cause problems with movement. Ataxia is a condition that affects the ability to coordinate movements. This can make it difficult to walk, eat, or even brush your teeth.

  • Apraxia is a condition that affects the ability to plan and execute movements. This can make it difficult to dress or tie your shoes. Although Ataxia and Apraxia share some symptoms, they are two distinct conditions.
  • Ataxia is caused by damage to the cerebellum, while Apraxia is caused by damage to the cortex. Treatment for Ataxia focuses on managing symptoms and improving coordination.
  • Treatment for Apraxia focuses on relearning lost skills and compensation strategies. Although Ataxia and Apraxia can be debilitating, there are many treatments available that can help people manage their symptoms and live fulfilling lives.


Although ataxia and apraxia are both neurological disorders, they have different causes and symptoms. It is important to be able to distinguish between the two in order to provide accurate diagnosis and treatment for patients. If you think that you or someone you know may be suffering from ataxia or apraxia, please seek medical attention right away.

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