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Difference between Argument and Persuasion

Difference between Argument and Persuasion

When you think about it, the words “argument” and “persuasion” are really quite similar. They both involve convincing someone of something. But there is a big difference between the two. An argument is based on logic and reason. You use facts and evidence to support your position. Persuasion, on the other hand, is based on emotion. You try to appeal to the other person’s feelings or emotions in order to get them to agree with you.

What is an Argument?

An argument can be defined in a number of ways, but at its core, it is a statement or set of statements that are put forward in support of a particular claim. The claim can be anything from a scientific theory to an ethical position, and the arguments that are used to support it can vary widely in their nature and form. In some cases, an argument may simply be a list of premises that lead logically to a conclusion. In other cases, it may be a more elaborate structure that includes evidence, counterarguments, and rebuttals. Regardless of its form, an effective argument must be clear, well-reasoned, and persuasive in order to be convincing.

What is Persuasion?

Persuasion is the act of convincing someone to do something that they wouldn’t ordinarily do. Persuasion can be used for good or for ill, depending on the motives of the persuader. Persuasive people are often very charming and charismatic, and they know how to appeal to people’s emotions in order to get them to see things their way. A persuasion is a powerful tool, and it can be a force for good if it is used to convince people to make positive changes in their lives. However, persuasion can also be used to convince people to do things that are harmful to themselves or others. In either case, a persuasion is a potent tool that should be used carefully and responsibly.

Difference between Argument and Persuasion

Argument and persuasion are two different ways of convincing someone to see your point of view. The argument relies on logic and reason to show that one side is correct, while persuasion relies on emotional appeals to convince the other side.

  • The argument is usually more effective with people who are open to reason, while persuasion is usually more effective with people who are not. The argument is also more likely to lead to a compromise or a middle ground, while persuasion is more likely to lead to an all-or-nothing result.
  • The argument is sometimes seen as more honest because it relies on facts and logic, while persuasion is sometimes seen as less honest because it relies on emotions. However, both methods can be used honestly and both can be used to achieve different goals.
  • The argument is more likely to lead to a calm discussion, while persuasion is more likely to lead to a passionate debate. In the end, it is up to the individual to decide which method is more effective.


In order to be persuasive, you need to understand the difference between argument and persuasion. The argument is about winning an intellectual debate, while persuasion is about convincing someone of something. Use the techniques we’ve outlined in this blog post to help you become more persuasive in your business dealings.

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