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Difference between Approve and Authorize

Difference between Approve and Authorize

In business, there are a lot of important words and phrases to know in order to be successful. Two such words are “approve” and “authorize.” Though they may seem similar, they have very different meanings. In this blog post, we’ll break down the difference between the two terms, so that you can use them correctly in your own business dealings.

What is Approve?

The word “approve” can have several different meanings. When used as a verb, it generally means to support or agree with something. For example, you might approve of a friend’s decision to pursue a new career. When used as a noun, approve generally refers to an official document or stamp that indicates that something has been approved. For example, you might need to get approval from your boss before moving forward with a project. In either case, the word carries a positive connotation and indicates that someone is in favor of something.

What is Authorize?

  • The definition of authorize can be summarised by saying it is to give official permission for something to happen. In other words, when you authorize something, you are essentially vouching for its legitimacy or giving it your stamp of approval.
  • This word is often used in a professional context, such as when a manager authorizes a purchase or when a government body authorizes a project. However, it can also be used more informally. For example, you might authorize your child to go to the park with their friends.
  • At its core, the act of authorizing something conveys a sense of trust. When you authorize something, you are putting your faith in whatever it is that is being authorized. This could be faith in the person carrying out the task or faith in the product or service itself.
  • So, next time you need to give someone permission to do something or need to vouch for the legitimacy of something, reach for the word authorize.

Difference between Approve and Authorize

  • There is often confusion regarding the words “approve” and “authorize.” To approve something means to give it one’s formal sanction or agreement. When you authorize something, you are giving someone the power or right to do something. For example, you may need to approve a proposal before it can be authorized.
  • You may approve of your friend’s new haircut, but you would not authorize him to get a haircut on your behalf. In short, approving of something is a sign of approval while authorizing is more like giving someone the green light to proceed with something.
  • While the two words are similar, they are not interchangeable. If you approve of something, it means you are in favor of it and think it should go ahead. However, if you authorize something, you are giving someone permission to do it.
  • Another way to think of the difference between these terms is that when you approve of something, you are agreeing with an idea. When you authorize something, however, you are giving someone the go-ahead to take action. So approving is more about an opinion while authorizing is more about taking action.


In business, there is a big difference between authorizing and approving something. When you authorize someone to do something, you are giving them the go-ahead to take whatever action they deem necessary to complete the task at hand. Approving something means that you have personally looked at it and found it satisfactory. The two words have different implications in the business world, so it’s important to be aware of the distinction and use the correct word in each situation.

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