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Difference between Anyway and Anyways

Difference between Anyway and Anyways

Anyway and anyways are two words that are often confused. Though they have similar meanings, there is a difference between the two. Let’s take a look at the difference between anyway and anyways, and when to use each word.

What is Anyway?

Anyway is an adverb that typically means “regardless” or “in any case.” It can be used to introduce a new topic or to emphasize a point. Anyway can also be used as a noun, meaning “something of minor importance.” Anyway is often used informally, and some people consider it to be overly casual. However, it is widely accepted in both spoken and written English. Anyway is derived from the Old English word aneswealde, which literally means “on one side.” This usage eventually developed into the meaning “aside from that” or “besides.” Anyway first appeared in print in the early 1500s. In the centuries since then, its usage has evolved to include the more general meanings that are common today. Anyway continues to be a versatile and commonly used word in English.

What is Anyways?

  • Anyways is a word that is used to indicate that what has been said is not important or relevant. It can also be used to signal a change of topic. Anyways is often used as a filler word, and its non-verbal cues can be important in communicating meaning. For example, when Anyways is spoken with a raised voice or exaggerated hand gestures, it can signal frustration or impatience.
  • When Anyways is spoken slowly or with a downward intonation, it can signal resignation or defeat. In either case, Anyways conveys the speaker’s attitude more than the actual meaning of the word itself. Anyways is also sometimes used as a way to avoid conflict or to end a conversation abruptly.
  • For example, if someone doesn’t want to discuss a certain topic, they might say “Anyways, I don’t want to talk about that.” In this case, Anyways functions as a way to change the subject without actually addressing the issue at hand. Anyways can be an informal way of speaking, and it is not typically used in formal writing. However, its usage has been increasing in recent years, likely due to its convenience and flexibility.

Difference between Anyway and Anyways

Anyway Anyways are two words that are often used interchangeably, but there is actually a difference between the two. Anyway is considered to be the standard form of the word, and it can be used both as an adverb and an adjective. Anyways is considered to be a nonstandard form of the word, and it can only be used as an adverb.

For example, you could say “I’m going to finish this project anyway” or “Anyway, I think we should wrap up this meeting.” However, you would not say “Anyways, I’m going to bed” because this would be grammatically incorrect. In general, it is best to use Anyway in formal writing and speaking situations. Anyways can be used in casual conversation, but it is best to avoid using it in more formal settings.


Anyway and anyways are both commonly used words, but they have different meanings. It’s important to use the correct word in order to avoid confusion. Hopefully, this post has helped clear up any confusion between the two words.

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