Anorexia Nervosa vs Bulimia
Difference between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia: – Anorexia nervosa and nervous bulimia are disorders of eating behavior. These disorders are of psychic origin and share in common an important disorder of the perception of the image of the body. According to experts three conditions are required to qualify pathological feeding behavior:
It differs in a qualitative or quantitative way from the habitual conduct of individuals living in the same nutritional, social and cultural environment.
It causes adverse consequences on physical health (obesity, under-nutrition, deficiencies) or psychological (feeling of invalidity, social exclusion, obsession, depression …).
It bears witness to an existential difficulty, a psychological suffering or an injury to the biological system that controls food intake.
Difference between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
What is the difference between anorexia nervosa and bulimia? Although there are two mental and food disorders framed between Psychogenic Eating Disorders (TPA), there is a big difference between anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Broadly speaking, bulimia is characterized by the imperious need for a person to ingest large amounts of food from a sitting, usually foods of a high caloric level.
These episodes end when the person feels completely satiated, and then, as a rule, the opposite episode of the ingestion, in which the person vomits the food ingested or makes use of laxatives and diuretics. Usually this disorder appears in adulthood.
The anorexia nervosa is characterized by a rejection of food by the individual and an obsessive fear of gaining weight that are accompanied by a distorted body image (the subject is fat even if skeletal). Which can lead to a starvation of dire consequences for your health? The anorexia nervosa is a disorder that usually appears in adolescence.
Do not confuse this concept of anorexia nervosa, which is a disease, with the symptom called “anorexia”, a word that comes from the Greek and means “lack of appetite.” The symptom of anorexia may appear associated with various diseases.
Both bulimic and anorexic people have in common an exaggerated concern for their figure and their weight. The two pathologies affect mainly women. However the anorexic subjects are able to not eat, reaching extreme limits. This resistance to eating does not appear in the bulimics, who resist the temptation to eat for a short time. Weight loss is usually very large in anorexics and milder in bulimics, which most of the time are obese. Keep visiting the website to learn more about such similar terms and objects.