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Difference between Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta 3

Difference between Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta 3

Both Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta are sororities founded in the early 20th century with chapters across the United States. However, there are several key differences between the two organizations. First, Alpha Kappa Alpha is an international organization with over 280,000 members, while Delta Sigma Theta is a national organization with around 200,000 members. Additionally, Alpha Kappa Alpha focuses on service and public interest initiatives, while Delta Sigma Theta focuses on civil rights and community service. Finally, membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha is based on academic achievement and professional accomplishments, while membership in Delta Sigma Theta is open to any woman who meets the eligibility criteria.

What is Alpha Kappa Alpha?

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated (AKA) is the first historically African American Greek-lettered sorority. The organization was founded on January 15, 1908, at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Alpha Kappa Alpha’s membership consists of college-educated women committed to public service with an emphasis on programs that target the African American community. The sorority’s international programs, such as Education Advancement and Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholars, provide financial assistance to deserving students. In addition, Alpha Kappa Alpha also provides support to local communities through initiatives like their partnership with the United Negro College Fund. As the oldest and largest African American sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha remains an important part of the African American community.

What is Delta Sigma Theta 3?

Delta Sigma Theta 3 is a Delta Sigma Theta sorority chapter located on the campus of Arizona State University. Delta Sigma Theta is a historically African American sorority that was founded in 1913 at Howard University. Delta Sigma Theta 3 was chartered in May of 2006 and has since been an active presence on ASU’s Tempe campus. Delta Sigma Theta 3’s mission is to provide assistance and support to the local community through various programs and activities. In addition, Delta Sigma Theta 3 also strives to promote academic excellence and sisterhood among its members. Delta Sigma Theta 3 is open to all eligible women who are interested in becoming a part of this distinguished sisterhood.

Difference between Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta 3

Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta are two of the largest and most well-known African American sororities in the United States. Both organizations have a long history of supporting educational initiatives and promoting sisterhood among black women. However, there are some key differences between the two groups. Alpha Kappa Alpha was founded in 1908 at Howard University, making it the first African American sorority. Delta Sigma Theta was founded in 1913 at Cornell University.

Alpha Kappa Alpha has a more traditional focus, while Delta Sigma Theta emphasizes public service. Alpha Kappa Alpha also has stricter membership requirements, such as a minimum GPA requirement. As a result of these differences, the two organizations appeal to different types of women. Nevertheless, both Alpha Kappa Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta have played an important role in the lives of countless black women.


The two organizations have different histories and missions. Both are important in the African American community, but they offer unique opportunities to their members. If you’re interested in joining one of these organizations, it’s important to understand the differences between them.

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