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Difference between Aldor and Scryer

Difference between Aldor and Scryer

The Aldor faction and the Scryer faction are two of the main factions in the video game “World of Warcraft.” Both factions have their own unique goals and ideals, which can make it difficult to decide which one is right for you. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the differences between these two factions so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Who is Aldor?

Aldor is a video game faction. It is one of two sides the player can choose to align within the game. Aldor is portrayed as the “good guys” while the other faction, Horde, is grouped with the “bad guys”. Aldor is made up of several different races including but not limited to humans, dwarves, and high elves. Each race has its own specific abilities and strengths that help contribute to the Aldor’s cause. Aldor’s main base is located in the city of Stormwind which is also the capital city of the human race. Aldor’s main objectives are to protect Stormwind from any outside threats and to keep order within the city itself. Aldor also has a strong focus on eliminating terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda.

Who is Scryer?

Scryer is one of the two factions that players can join in the video game “World of Warcraft”. Scryers are elves who value knowledge and strive to keep the highest standards of order and justice. They live in the city of Shattrath, where they have set up a powerful group called the Scryer’s Tribunal. The scryers are known for their skill in magic, and they use this to their advantage in battle. They also have a strong relationship with the Dragonflight, which allows them to call upon these powerful creatures for help.

Scryers are respected by many other factions, and players who join this faction will find themselves welcomed by others. However, Scryers are also disliked by some factions, particularly the Aldor, who see them as arrogant and elitist. Players who choose to join Scryer will need to be prepared for both friendship and conflict.

Difference between Aldor and Scryer

Aldor and Scryer are two factions that players can choose to join in the video game World of Warcraft. Aldor players focus on healing and supporting their allies, while Scryer players focus on dealing damage to their enemies. Both factions have their own unique quests, rewards, and abilities.


Aldor players also have access to a special flying mount. In general, Aldor players tend to be more supportive and helpful, while Scryer players tend to be more aggressive and competitive. As a result, Aldor and Scryer offer different experiences for players of World of Warcraft. Players should choose the faction that best suits their playstyle.


If you’re curious about the difference between Aldor and Scryer, we can help. We’ve outlined the basics of each faction in the video game so you can make an informed decision before pledging your allegiance.

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