Difference between Ajax and DHTML

Difference between Ajax and DHTML

There are many ways to create interactive and dynamic web pages. Two of the most popular techniques are Ajax and DHTML. But what is the difference between them? And which one is right for you? In this article, we’ll take a look at the differences between Ajax and DHTML, and explore when each is appropriate.

What is Ajax?

Ajax is a web development technique used for creating interactive web applications. Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax uses a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create web applications that are responsive and fast. With Ajax, web pages can be updated without reloading the page. This makes for a smoother user experience and reduces server load. Ajax is used in a variety of web applications, such as online maps, video players, and stock tickers.

What is DHTML?

DHTML is an abbreviation for “Dynamic HTML.” It is a programming language that allows web developers to create interactive web pages. DHTML is a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It uses HTML to define the structure of a web page, CSS to specify the layout and style, and JavaScript to add interactivity. DHTML allows web pages to be more responsive to user input and can create richer, more immersive user experiences. In recent years, DHTML has been used to create dynamic web applications such as games, data visualizations, and online shopping carts. While DHTML is not as widely used as some other programming languages, it remains a valuable tool for web developers who want to create interactive and engaging web pages.

Difference between Ajax and DHTML

One of the key differences between Ajax and DHTML is that DHTML is a client-side technology while Ajax is a web development technique. DHTML allows for the creation of dynamic web pages wherein changes to the content, layout, or styling can be made without having to reload the entire page. Ajax, on the other hand, uses a combination of technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML to create web applications that are responsive and fast. Another difference between these two technologies is that DHTML is limited to browser-based applications while Ajax can be used for both web-based and desktop applications.


Although Ajax and DHTML are similar in some ways, they also have distinct differences. We’ve looked at the benefits of both technologies and how they can be used to improve your website. Hopefully, this article has helped you decide which technology is best for your needs.

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