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Difference between Aikido and Hapkido

Difference between Aikido and Hapkido

While both Aikido and Hapkido are Korean martial arts, they differ in their approach and philosophy. Aikido emphasizes the use of joint locks, pins, and throws to immobilize an opponent, while Hapkido utilizes more kicks and punches.

Additionally, practitioners of Aikido adhere to the principle of using the least force possible to achieve victory, while those who practice Hapkido believe in the use of more brute force. As a result, while they share some similarities, these two martial arts styles have different techniques and philosophies that set them apart.

What is Aikido?

  • Aikido is a Japanese martial art that was founded by Morihei Ueshiba in the early 20th century. Aikido is based on the principles of Aiki, which emphasize using an opponent’s energy against them rather than trying to resist or counter it. Aikido is often described as a ” defensive” martial art, as its practitioners strive to avoid causing harm to their opponents.
  • Aikido techniques can be used to unbalance an opponent and throw them to the ground, or to control them with joint locks and pressure points. Aikido training often includes weapons work, such as learning how to wield a sword or staff.
  • Aikido practitioners typically wear loose-fitting clothing so that they can move freely and execute techniques effectively. Aikido is practiced by people of all ages and abilities and can be adapted to suit different situational needs.

What is Hapkido?

Hapkido is a Korean martial art that emphasizes joint locks, throws, and strikes. It is often considered a “soft” style of martial arts, in contrast to the “hard” styles such as karate or taekwondo. Hapkido was created in the early 20th century by Choi Yong-Sool, who blended elements of several different martial arts styles. The name Hapkido literally means “the way of coordinated power.”

Hapkido is known for its flowing, circular movements, and its focus on using an opponent’s momentum against them. Hapkido practitioners believe that anyone can benefit from training in the art, regardless of size or strength. Hapkido is an effective self-defense system, and it also provides a great workout and a path to physical and mental well-being.

Difference between Aikido and Hapkido

Aikido and Hapkido are two martial arts that have many similarities, but there are also some important differences. Both Aikido and Hapkido focus on using an opponent’s momentum against them, and both place an emphasis on joint locks and throws. However, Aikido is a purely defensive martial art, while Hapkido also includes offensive techniques.

In addition, Aikido practitioners wear loose-fitting uniforms, while Hapkido practitioners wear tighter-fitting uniforms that allow for a wider range of motion. Finally, Aikido is typically practiced with wooden swords, while Hapkido is typically practiced with metal swords. Despite these differences, both Aikido and Hapkido are excellent martial arts for self-defense and will help practitioners develop strength, balance, and flexibility.


The difference between Aikido and Hapkido is that Aikido focuses on using an attacker’s own energy against them, while Hapkido uses joint locks and pressure points to control the attacker. Both arts are effective means of self-defense, but which one you choose should depend on your personal preferences and training goals. If you’re interested in learning more about either art, be sure to check out our other blog posts or contact a local instructor for more information.

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