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Difference between Afterward and Afterwards

Difference between Afterward and Afterwards

Engaging in proper grammar and writing conventions is essential for any professional—and one area that may be particularly difficult to understand is the differences between commonly-confused words. Today we’ll dive deep into understanding the difference between “afterward” and “afterwards,” providing you with insightful guidance so that you can avoid making errors when communicating both formally and informally!

What is Afterward?

Afterward is a concept that can have different meanings depending on the context. Afterward often refers to what comes next or what happens in the future. It could be used to refer to tasks, events, goals, and achievements that are planned or intended. Afterward can also be seen within art, literature, and history as a reflection of an evolving identity or situation that occurs after certain experiences described by the writer or artist. Afterward provides an opportunity for contemplation and examination in many circumstances and enables critical thinking in how our actions today impact tomorrow as well as beyond.

What is Afterwards?

Afterwards is a gripping mystery thriller which follows main character Anna as she attempts to uncover the secrets of her past. The film focuses on the events of one summer, after her mother dies and an old family friend comes to stay. As clues emerge and the connection between them deepens, Anna must confront mysteries steeped in magic, fate and chance. Afterwards is an unpredictable journey through grief, memory and identity that will keep audiences guessing until its thrilling conclusion.

Difference between Afterward and Afterwards

  • Afterward and afterwards may seem like the same word, but they are different. Afterward is an adverb meaning at a later time, and it is commonly used as an adjective meaning coming after something else in order.
  • On the other hand, afterwards is an adverb meaning at a later time as well, but it typically appears at the end of a sentence to emphasize that something happened after another event.
  • Both words can be used interchangeably in many situations, however proper grammar often dictates which word should be used. To put it simply, afterward should be used as an adjective and afterwards should be used as an adverb for most instances.


The main difference between afterward and afterwards is that afterward refers to something happening at a later time while afterwards refers to happenings following an event. Both words are adverbs meaning “later” or “after,” but there is a subtle distinction in usage. Though they are often used interchangeably, it’s best to use afterward when referring to events happening one after another and afterwards when referring to events happening as a consequence of something else. With these guidelines in mind, you should be able to choose the correct word for your needs.

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