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Difference between ACL and MCL

Difference between ACL and MCL

An ACL injury is a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament, a band of tissue in the knee that helps keep the bones in place. An MCL injury is a tear of the medial collateral ligament, which is also located in the knee and helps stabilize it. Both injuries are common among athletes and can cause pain and difficulty walking. However, they are treated differently, so it’s important to know the difference between them.

What is ACL?

ACL is the most commonly torn ligament in the knee. It is a tough fibrous tissue that holds the knee joint together and keeps it stable. The ACL runs from the femur (thighbone) to the tibia (shinbone) and helps to keep the knee from hyperextending. A tear of the ACL can occur during activities that involve sudden stops or changes in direction, such as basketball, football, or skiing. Treatment for an ACL tear typically involves surgery to reconstruct the ligament, followed by several months of rehabilitation. In some cases, a torn ACL may not require surgery if the patient is relatively young and participates in low-impact activities. However, most people who tear their ACL will eventually require surgery in order to regain full knee function.

What is MCL?

MCL is an abbreviation for the medical term medial collateral ligament. The MCL is a band of tissue that runs down the inside of the knee, from the thighbone to the shinbone. It helps to stabilize the knee joint and prevents the knee from hyperextending. MCL injuries are relatively common, particularly among athletes who participate in contact sports such as football and hockey. MCL tears can range from mild to severe, and treatment typically involves a combination of rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). In cases of severe MCL disruption, surgery may be necessary to repair the ligament.

Difference between ACL and MCL

The ACL and MCL are the two main ligaments in the knee. The ACL, or anterior cruciate ligament, is located in the front of the knee and helps to stabilize the joint. The MCL, or medial collateral ligament, is located on the side of the knee and helps to prevent the leg from moving too far inward. Both ligaments can be injured through sudden twists or impacts. However, ACL injuries are generally more serious and often require surgery to repair. MCL injuries, on the other hand, typically heal on their own with rest and ice. As a result, it is important to be familiar with the symptoms of both types of injuries so that you can seek treatment as soon as possible.


The ACL and MCL are two of the most important ligaments in the knee. They play different roles in the stability of the joint and can be injured in different ways. It is important to know the difference between these two ligaments so that you can get the right treatment if you injure your knee.

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