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Difference between Accept and Except

Difference between Accept and Except

When it comes to the words accept and except, many people are unsure of the difference. Both of these words have multiple meanings, which can make them confusing to use. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between these two words, so that you will be able to use them correctly in your writing.

What is Accept?

Accept has multiple definitions, but the most common usage refers to acknowledging or approving something. For example, you might accept delivery of goods or accept an invitation to a party. In both cases, you are indicating that you agree to the terms presented. Accept can also be used as a verb meaning to believe or consider something to be true. For example, you might accept a theory or explanation.

In this case, you are agreeing that the information is accurate. Finally, accept can also be used as a verb meaning to receive something. For example, you might accept a package or award. In this case, you are indicating that you are willing to take possession of the item in question. Regardless of how it is used, accept is always a positive word, signifying agreement or approval.

What is Except?

Except is a word that is used to introduce an exception or to indicate that something is not included. It can be used as a conjunction, preposition, or adverb. Except is derived from the Latin word exception, which means “to take out.” Except can be used interchangeably with the word “but.” For example, you could say “Everyone except John has completed the project” or “Everyone but John has completed the project.” Except can also be used to indicate that something is not included in a group or set.

For example, you could say “All of my friends except Sarah are going to the party.” Except can also be used to introduce an exception to a rule. For example, you could say “You can come in except for dogs.” Except can also be used as an intensifier. For example, you could say “I didn’t do anything wrong except getting caught.”

Difference between Accept and Except

Accept and Except are two words that are often confused due to their similarity in spelling. However, they actually have very different meanings. Accept means to receive or take something, while Except means to exclude or leave something out. For example, you might accept a gift from a friend, but except them from your will.

As a general rule of thumb, if you can substitute the word “receive” for the word you’re trying to use, then it’s probably Accept that you want. If “exclude” is a better fit, then it’s Except you’re looking for. Keep these tips in mind next time you need to choose between Accept and Except, and you’ll be sure to use the right word every time.


Accept and Except are both used to indicate an exception, but they have different implications. When you use “accept,” you’re indicating that the exception is something that can be tolerated or made allowances for. “Except” means that the exception represents a departure from the norm. In most cases, it’s best to use “accept” unless you specifically want to emphasize the exceptional nature of the exception.

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